Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tickets to Reading Rewards!

So far we have GREAT participation with this program.

We have:
131 students who have read 5 books (book bag).
61 students who have read 10 books (medal).
21 students who have read 15 books (water bottle).
3 students who have read 20 books (basketball hoop).
a few students have read 25, but the watch is back ordered. So they will get their prize soon!

This program runs through April so KEEP READING!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


What do you think?
How would we do it?

If you want to sign up, there is a sign up sheet next to the lost and found box in the library.

-mrs w-

Upcoming stuff`


The book fair is the week of parent teacher conferences- March 22-25. Or the week after Spring Break!!!

Also, if you are reading the Gateway or Truman books, we need to vote soon. I will set up a lunch for us in early March! So far we have SEVEN people who have read at least 3 of the books! I'm thinking pizza for lunch! Or MCD's was suggested!

Currently I am reading a book about Wikis and Blogs and The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson (So is Constance).

Happy Reading,

-mrs. w-

Friday, February 18, 2011

BW Library

Hello Brittany Woods Community,

Welcome to the wonderful world of Blogging! I attended the METC conference in St. Charles this week and I am super excited to start using all of the cool toys that I learned about! I will be telling you about some of them here and on my wiki (once I get it working right).

This will be our place to talk about books and share the wonderful things happening in the library at BW. So the first question--- What are you reading and why? Do you like it?

Second question--- What kinds of stuff would be helpful on this site?

Thanks and have a great weekend!

-mrs. w-